Denver producer Ross Ryan, better known by his stage nam e StéLouse (‘stay-loose’), is an electronic music producer w ho creates a completely unique auditory experience with his genre defying sound. Since establishing the StéLouse brand in fall 2013, Ryan has championed the genre of what has be en widely referred to as “future bass” with his sonically diver se productions. In less than one year, Ryan has gone from a virtual unknown, to one of electronic music’s most buzz wort hy acts, and now claims a loyal fans base of music lovers a nd fellow producers alike. Ryan already boasts a debut EP, “Home,” on Celldweller’s la bel Subterra, and a groundbreaking sophomore effort , “The City” EP, on Australian imprint DieHigh. Outside of his origina l productions, Ryan has delivered official remixes for artists such as Viceroy, Zella Day and Jaymes Young. Drawing from his experience in a touring rock outfit, the sou nd of StéLouse stems directly from Ryan’s attention to a vari ed genre spectrum. In his own words, Ryan calls his music “ a reflection of my heart and soul. Every emotion, every love, every death, every thought and flaw…past and present…all w rapped up into one single beautiful melody, for the world to s ing. This is me, this is what I do.” This forward thinking sound has awarded StéLouse millions of plays and brought unprecedented support from power pla yers including Bassnectar, Madeon, Lido, Cashmere Cat, Pla stician, David Heartbreak, Kill Paris, Cosmos Midnight and J akwob. Not to mention major blog support across the interne ts via the likes of Earmilk, Pigeons and Planes, Stoney Road s, and Do Androids Dance who named his EP “one of the be st of 2014”. Up next for StéLouse, he’ll be gearing up for the release of b rand new singles, act as founder and curator for his artist c ollective, Hebinomichi, and prepare for another upcoming EP.