Casey Fitzpatrick Bio:
Casey Fitzpatrick is a Portland-based sculptor who works out of the metal shop he built in his garage in “Felony Flats”. At the age of 20 he enlisted in the United States Army and served in Iraq as a Cavalry Scout. The experience was powerful but not positive and offered him insight into the nature of humans. After his discharge he collected experiences as a blue-collar worker until he moved to Portland and discovered three dimensional art while taking classes at Portland State University. His work is fantastical, incorporating themes from mythology and science fiction. He has recently found the violence and forgiveness of steel to be a powerful vehicle to translate the periods of turmoil in his life into art. In the last year he has been selected to show work at PDXSynisthesia and WTFest. His primary goal is to continue to make strange art for strange people to enjoy.
The Dryads of Dufur:
The Dryads of Dufur have not been seen since days long forgotten. They are spirit creatures of the forest. Some think it was the music that brought them out, others say it was the love. While their intentions are not clear they seem friendly enough. I think they came out to play.