Casey Scalf Bio:
Starting with a lifelong fascination in electronics, a love for the wilderness, and a keen eye towards the future, I have felt compelled to explore these areas of art and technology. I am drawn to combine them into unique, yet useful forms and to participate in the coming age of ubiquitous computing and decentralized abundance. It is my pleasure to take on these challenges and bring the fruit to bear for the rest of the world to see in beautiful, interesting, and thought-provoking ways.
The Sandbox of Life:
The Sandbox of Life is a foundation for the exploration of complex systems, digital life, and human/computer interactions created in 2012 in Maui. We live in a time of complex systems and rich amounts of data. The Sandbox synthesizes this knowledge into one easy to use platform for exploring worlds.
Using custom engineered layers of software, hardware, cameras, and projectors, the Sandbox can simulate anything from islands and animals, fluid dynamics, bacteria, cellular automata, Conway’s Game of Life, and many more modes.
To create and change the world all you need are your hands, imagination, a little time, and some friends don’t hurt either! Without a cumbersome interface one can explore these digital worlds in intuitive ways that feel natural and react in real time.